10 February in Amsterdam: Bach & Bach ! See: https://www.orgelpark.nl/nl/Agenda/Vocaal-Ensemble-%26amp%3B-Orgel%3A-Bach-cum-suis@14:15
Saturday 19 February an interesting program at the Theater aan het Vrijthof! See: http://www.theateraanhetvrijthof.nl/voorstellingen/2019/01/franse-componistendag-lijnen-naar-messiaen/ I’ll play in the morning at the Basilica of Sint-Servaas: paraphrase-carillon by Charles Tournemire, a beautiful and rarely played composition.
Sunday 16 december at 15.00 hrs you can visit the Christmas concert at the Sint-Servaasbasiliek in Maastricht. Special guest is Frank Steijns who plays the carillon which is placed in the church! Of course the Cappella Sancti Servatii performs the Christmas songs, Marcel Verheggen plays the organ. Admission free! http://www.cappellasintservaas.nl/Kerstmis
8 November 2018 at 20 hrs I play a concert in Nederweert to grace the the start of the restoration of this organ. Tonight, he organ builder van Rossum signs a contract with the board of the church for the restoration. It will be the last time the organ will […]
Sunday, 4 November at 15 hrs, I play a concert in the Sint-Servaasbasilica because of my jubilee: 1 November 1993 I was appointed as organist of this beautiful basilica with its magnificent organs. I got a lot of requests to play certain favorite pieces. Well, I’ll respect these requests as […]
Walking around In the centre of Brussels, you may encounter a beautiful church with a beautiful organ: the Finisterrae church with an organ by Loret. Almost every Monday you can listen to the organ from 12.45 – 13.30. Upcoming Monday, 8 October, it is my turn. You can listen to […]
Upcoming weekend, a lof of thrilling events will happen in Maastricht. Find the entire program at: http://www.musicasacramaastricht.nl/programma/volledig-programma. 23 September I play during the High Mass in the the Sint-Servaasbasiliek. It starts at 10 pm. You can listen to the mass for two organs by Louis Vierne. The second organ will be […]
Tuesday 11 September 2018 I play a concert in the Basilica ‘St Aposteln’ in Köln. A beautiful, mixed program! Time: 20 hrs. Feel free to visit!
What is SKEN? SKEN is a national organization which aims to broaden the interest for cultural heritage, especially the sounding cultural heritage: organs and carillons/bells. In these days, a thrilling program is set up to bring alive in most unexpected ways the richness of the organs and carillons of […]
Tonight I play a concert with a mixture of styles: German and French baroque music, a tango, music with a kind of a Beethoven touch together with Sturm und Drang music. It all suits the beautiful organ. 20 hrs, OLV Basiliek Maastricht. See: http://www.orgelfestivalmaastricht.nl/